EXBuild Blog

Posts by Kevin Bork

Kevin is the Sr Manufacturing Specialist here at EXBuild. With over 30 years of manufacturing experience, he helps customers overcome any obstacle they might face in their production and design process. In his free time he enjoys playing billiards with friends and volunteering at his church.

Reducing Machine Downtime with Custom 3D Printed Parts

Kevin Bork on Jul 3, 2024 11:00:00 AM


Awhile back we had a customer reach out asking us to help create a failure point in a part for a robotic application. At their facility they manufacture custom robotic lines that are manually loaded with dissimilar parts by operators. Occasionally a part fixture is loaded incorrectly, it would then cause a collision between part and robot arm or EOT. When this happened, it could lead to major downtime dependent on what collided. The operators had to wait while maintenance determined what was broken.  Then if we have the necessary parts and a service technician to repair it.


How Much Material is Left on the Spool? (Part 2)

Kevin Bork on Feb 8, 2022 11:30:00 AM


One question I get from many customers is "how do I calculate how many CC’s of material are left on a partial spool of material?" In our previous blog we came up with a way to calculate just that with a ruler and a scale, but what if we don't have a scale? This is a good option, a little less accurate but in the ballpark.


How Much Material is Left on the Spool? (Part 1)

Kevin Bork on Jan 11, 2022 11:30:00 AM


One of the questions we receive from customers all the time is how to calculate how many CC's of material are left on the spool. Now there are a number of different ways to calculate this number, today we are going to go over a quick method that requires a scale and a little bit of math.



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